26.8.2024 13:53
Power System, Current News

Fingrid’s response to feedback on preliminary grid connection possibilities for offshore wind power

Fingrid has published a summary of the feedback received from our consultation on preliminary grid connection possibilities for offshore wind power, along with our responses to the feedback. The stakeholder feedback emphasised the number and location of connection possibilities. Based on the feedback and additional investigations, an updated report will be published in late autumn 2024, naming the preliminary connection possibilities at the substation level.

Preliminary possibilities to connect offshore wind power to Fingrid’s main grid in the 2030s - study was published on Fingrid's website on May 13, 2024, for stakeholder comments. The consultation period ended on June 23, 2024. A total of 19 statements were received, with some respondents participating in more than one statement.

In its May study, Fingrid preliminarily identified six areas off the coast where large offshore wind power projects could be connected to the main grid of mainland Finland in the 2030s. Fingrid's study was welcomed as a promising start for integrating offshore wind power into the main grid. Responses hoped that Fingrid would update the network connection possibilities considering the progress of offshore wind power projects and future offshore wind power site auctions. Responses called for Fingrid to actively develop the network so that network connections would not become a bottleneck for green transition projects. Some respondents emphasised the need to connect Åland’s offshore wind power to the mainland Finland’s electricity grid.

Most responses supported changing the main grid connection practice to allow for connection on connections at an earlier stage. Pre-connection agreements were seen to lower the risk level associated with the development of offshore wind power. On the other hand, the risks of pre-connection agreements were also noted if the connection capacity were reserved too early in the project development stage. Hybrid connections that combine electricity production and consumption were seen as possible solutions in the future, although the responses also highlighted related challenges.

We are updating the study on offshore wind power connection possibilities based on stakeholder feedback and additional investigations currently underway at Fingrid. The updated report will be published in late fall of 2024, and it will name preliminary connection possibilities at the substation level. Based on the feedback we received, we are examining new and alternative connection points in the Bothnian Bay area and Southwest Finland.

Attached is an anonymised summary of the consultation responses and Fingrid’s replies to the feedback, organised by question. Fingrid thanks all those who provided feedback.

For more information:

Laura Ihamäki, Fingrid Oyj, tel. +358 40 708 1838 
E-mail addresses: forename.surname@fingrid.fi


Fingrid’s response to feedback on preliminary grid connection possibilities for off-shore wind power (pdf)