5.12.2024 13:57
Current News

Fingrid Magazine 3/2024: reform of the grid service fee will alleviate congestion in the grid

The third Fingrid customer magazine of the year has been published. The theme of this issue is the transformation of the electricity market, which calls for the development of the main grid and other actions to ensure the adequacy of the network.

In his editorial for Fingrid Magazine 3/2024, Jukka Metsälä, Fingrid’s CEO, writes that strong growth in renewable energy production, reliable electricity transmission, and low electricity prices have caught the eyes of international investors. 

At the same time, the cost of managing the grid is rising. That is why Metsälä encourages companies to actively participate in the electricity market – it is both a great business opportunity and a responsible act. 

The magazine’s main article describes the changes planned for the structure of the grid service fee to ensure network adequacy amid the transformation of the power system. The new model encourages a regional balance, easing congestion in the transmission network.

Metsä Group’s Pirita Mikkanen, a Fingrid customer interviewed for the article, says that her company is interested in the possibility of supporting the power system in certain pre-agreed situations by flexibly adjusting its electricity consumption in return for a fixed rebate.

Some of the other articles in issue 3/2024 of the Fingrid Magazine: 

  • Years of growth in the main grid – infographic showing the peak years of main grid construction
  • Transmission management ensures that electricity transmission remains within the capacity limits.
  • Why and how can I enter the reserve market?
  • Presenting the Nord Pool and EPEX power exchanges, which operate in Finland
  • Green aluminium used in transmission lines significantly reduces emissions

The printed version of the Fingrid Magazine will be published for customers and subscribers. A PDF version of the magazine is available on Fingrid’s website, and the articles will be published in phases in Fingrid’s online magazine at www.fingridlehti.fi. The magazine is also published in English. 

Safety on the Lines, Fingrid’s occupational safety publication, is published twice a year as a supplement to the Fingrid magazine. The topics in this issue include the Lake Line transmission link worksite and preventing slips.

Fingrid Magazine 3/2024 (PDF) >

Safety on the Lines magazine 2/2024 (PDF) >

Further information:

Marjut Määttänen, Communications, Fingrid Oyj
E-mail addresses: forename.surname@fingrid.fi